Waffle Weave DIY: Washcloth Easter Bunnies

A washcloth bunny is a fun way to make a sweet little friend for your Easter Basket, and they're so easy! Plus, if Bunny needs a buddy, click here to learn how to make a cute washcloth carrot!
Here's what you'll need for each Bunny:
- 1 Modern or Classic wash cloth
- 1 rubber band
- green yarn or ribbon
- 2 sticky back googly eyes
- 1 pink pom pom
- Glue
- Scissors
1. Lay out washcloth with the bottom corner pointed away from you.
Fold bottom corner up, but not all the way.

2. Start rolling the top corners down as tightly as you can.

3. Keep rolling until all you have is a tight little roll.

4.Holding middle of the roll, fold the two side so the ends are even.

5. Flip so the seam is at the bottom. About halfway down, hold the sides between two fingers, and flip the pointed ends back toward you.

6. Bend the flaps back and secure them with a rubber band all around. Rotate so folded end is toward you.

7. Tie a ribbon or yarn in a bow around the rubber band.

8. Add sticky-backed googly eyes or two little buttons and a
pom pom nose using a dot of glue. Fluff the ears and you're done!

These are so cute and easy - you'll want to make lots of them!